

所有生物都需要通过DNA复制将其遗传信息传递给下一代。然而,DNA复制经常受到各种外源和内源因素的干扰,造成DNA复制胁迫。生物进化了复杂而精细的复制胁迫应答机制以保证复制的正确性。高度保守的蛋白激酶模块ATR-WEE1在复制胁迫应答中起关键作用。但是,它们在植物中的作用机制是一个长期悬而未决科学问题。在前期的研究中,华中农业大学严顺平团队发现ATR-WEE1通过负调控SOAT1 (FBL17)和SOAT2 (PRL1)激活复制胁迫应答(Pan et al, 2021; Wang et al, 2021)。

2023年5月9日,严顺平团队在国际著名期刊The Plant Cell发表了题为The ATR-WEE1 kinase module promotes SUPPRESSOR OF GAMMA RESPONSE 1 translation to activate replication stress responses的研究论文,发现了ATR-WEE1模块通过负调控SOAT3激活复制胁迫应答的新机制。





据悉,严顺平教授于2014年回国后开始研究植物DNA损伤应答机制,取得了系统性的研究成果:(1)揭示了WEE1调控细胞周期暂停的机制(Pan et al, 2021; Wang et al, 2021; Pan et al, 2023; Chen et al, 2023);(2)揭示了SOG1调控DNA损伤修复的机制(Wang et al, 2022; Yu et al, 2023);(3)揭示了SMC5/6协同调控细胞周期暂停和DNA损伤修复的机制(Wang et al, 2018; Chen et al, 2021; Li et al, 2023)。这些研究大大丰富了人们对植物DNA损伤应答的认识。


(1)Chen H., Pan T., Zheng X., Huang Y., Wu C., Yang T., Gao S., Wang L. & Yan S. (2023) The ATR-WEE1 kinase module promotes SUPPRESSOR OF GAMMA RESPONSE 1 translation to activate replication stress responses. Plant Cell, doi:10.1093/plcell/koad126

(2)Pan T., Gao S., Cui X., Wang L. & Yan S. (2023) APC/CCDC20 targets SCFFBL17 to activate replication stress responses in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 35, 910–923

(3)Li C., Guo Y., Wang L. & Yan S. (2023) The SMC5 / 6 complex recruits the PAF1 complex to facilitate DNA double-strand break repair in Arabidopsis. EMBO Journal 42, e112756.

(4)Yu C., Hou L., Huang Y., Cui X., Xu S., Wang L. & Yan S. (2023) The multi-BRCT domain protein DDRM2 promotes the recruitment of RAD51 to DNA damage sites to facilitate homologous recombination. New Phytologist 238, 1073–1084.

(5)Wang X., Wang L., Huang Y., Deng Z., Li C., Zhang J., Zheng M. & Yan S. (2022) A plant-specific module for homologous recombination repair. PNAS 119, e2202970119.

(6)Chen H., He C., Wang C., Wang X., Ruan F., Yan J., Yin P., Wang Y. & Yan S. (2021) RAD51 supports DMC1 by inhibiting the SMC5/6 complex during meiosis. Plant Cell, 33, 2869–2882.

(7)Pan T., Qin Q., Nong C., Gao S., Wang L., Cai B., Zhang M., Wu C., Chen H., Li T., Xiong D., Li G., Wang S. & Yan S. (2021) A novel WEE1 pathway for replication stress responses. Nature Plants 7, 209–218.

(8)Wang L., Zhan L., Zhao Y., Huang Y., Wu C., Pan T., Qin Q., Xu Y., Deng Z., Li J, Hu H., Xue S. & Yan S. (2021) The ATR-WEE1 kinase module inhibits the MAC complex to regulate replication stress response. Nucleic Acids Research 49, 1411–1425.

(9)Wang L., Chen H., Wang C., Hu Z. & Yan S. (2018) Negative regulator of E2F transcription factors links cell cycle checkpoint and DNA damage repair. PNAS 115, E3837–E3845.




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